It is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health, and welfare of people at work. The goal of occupational safety and health is to foster a safe and healthy work environment in order to protect all stakeholders in the workplace environment.
Management must:
- Provide and maintain safe facilities, equipment, and working conditions in areas of responsibility.
- Emphasize the importance of Health and Safety procedures in regular operations briefings and to seek feedback and suggestions from employees on matters affecting their health and safety in the workplace.
- Have a clear accident/incident reporting system that is well communicated with all employees.
- Take corrective and preventative actions to minimize accidents or occupational ill-health occurrences. Maintain proper documentation for reference and for inspection when required.
- Present all employees with sufficient information and instruction on the Health and Safety policy before implementation and when the policy is updated through the Company’s Communication Channel.
- Communicated to all employees The Health and Safety policy and do a refresher at least once a year to consider new working procedures, equipment and changes in local health and safety legislation.
- Brief all guests and vendors on the Resort about health and safety.
Employees must:
- Comply with health and safety training information and policy.
- Adhere to the procedures on safe work methods including the use of required protective equipment and clothing.
- Ensure that required health and safety procedures are observed when traveling and working off-site.
- Take adequate safety precautions to remove or reduce health and safety risks for self and others arising from work activities.
- Do not misuse any equipment or take shortcuts on work procedures that are against the safe work method.
- Report any work accidents or incidents according to the established Health and Safety policy immediately to their Head of Department regardless of how minor it may seem.
- Report any work hazards or potential work hazards immediately to their Head of Department.
- Guests and Vendors must:
- Follow safety instructions provided by the Resort when using its amenities and facilities.
- Take personal safety precautions to remove or reduce health and safety risks when in and around the Resort grounds.